Our Approach
Choice Concept:
No matter what environment we work or exist in, we all want to know that we have meaning. A purpose in life drives us to achieve remarkable things, and create balance in our lives. It is our relationships that uniquely define us, and the contributions we make.
The delicate balance between competing and creating evokes an internal tension, that when directed allows us to develop a visionary focus. It is important to remain authentic to oneself, which can be very difficult in the demanding society in which we live. Social networks provide means by which we can communicate in a multi-dimensional manner, but it can also become a trap and disrupt our efforts at communicating on an intimate level.
Some of our most profound moments come out of simplicity. Teaching clients how to align with the simple truths in life can assist in creating personal balance. Assisting a client in building an authentic foundation can guide them through life, and can be achieved through personal coaching. In learning to become a wellness and prevention coach, you can impact an individual’s life and help them in finding personal meaning and create choices that fulfill and satisfy in life.
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Information About Coaching Choice College:
Our Story
In providing counseling services, we often approach an individual from the perspective of being “sick.” The Coaching Choice Model is a means by which you can offer a Wellness Model as opposed to a “Sickness Model.” If you are looking to provide your clients with an alternative to treatment, offering coaching may by a healthy option, along with a potentially profitable revenue source.
The training and certification program consists of 30 or 60-hours of virtual, tele-training, or face-to-face training segments in which the student will learn a practical approach to coaching. The student will be taught how to develop their choice coaching philosophy, administer and interpret assessments, and integrate a wellness, advocacy, or social-emotional intelligence philosophy to begin or apply it to an already existing coaching practice. All training is aligned with the Core Competencies outlined by the Center for Credentialing and Education (CCE). Coaching Choice College is an approved provider training site for CCE. Upon completion, a certificate will be provided for submission to the CCE Board toward competency or renewal hours.
The Coaching Choice Model
Coaching Choice College is a three-tier framework that offers training in choice and the core competency areas of coaching.

Coaching Choice Areas
BCC Certification
The student pursuing training and certification in coaching may choose a specific area of Choice Coaching in which to develop their project, practice, and ultimate coaching business. An individual area of study and research is pursued with the intent of developing a coaching business that will provide a viable income source for the student upon completion of the training and acquisition of the coaching certificate.

Clare E Steffen, Ed.D., NC, NCC, BCC, CADCII, ICADC, CNHP, CMH
CEO & Founding Director
Dr. Clare Steffen holds national board certification as coach (BCC) with specialization in life, wellness, and business coaching. She has been licensed as a psychologist for over twenty years and is licensed in Oregon, California, and Illinois. She also holds Certification of National Qualification as a Psychologist (CPQ). Dr. Steffen is a Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor (CADCII), and is a National Board Certified Counselor (NCC). Dr. Steffen has a second doctorate in Naturopathy (natural health) and is a Certified Natural Health Professional and Master Herbalist. Dr. Steffen completed brain health certification from the Amen Clinic, and incorporates this approach in her therapeutic and educational services.
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Continuing Education~ CE4Coaches.com
Board-Approved Continuing Education Courses
Continuing Education for Certification Renewal:
CE4coaches.com is an affiliate program that offers board-certified CE training through distance learning, face-to-face, and 1:1 tele-session.
For more information, please visit www.CE4coaches.com or www.coachingchoicecollege.com.
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Next Steps...
Join the growing field of social entrepreneurs by becoming a choice coach!
Call for more information 541.221.3408, or enroll in classes today and take a step in making a social contribution. www.coachingchoicecollege.com